I submitted this photo into a contest for the first time . They just wrote me back and said that I am one of their finalists! They are publishing it in their book that will be coming out next month in December where it will be compiled with all their other finalists. I just ordered the book today. I am so excited! I just happened to capture this photo of Maleha by pure chance. I put her up on the window seal to look at the rainbow but she was more fascinated with my crystal ball that hangs there by a string and so she was following the string up with one hand while holding the crystal ball in the other and this is what I captured. It literally looks like she is holding the rainbow in her hands. I was so moved by this photo I felt others would be as well and so thats why I entered it into this contest. I hope it touches peoples hearts and moves their soul as it did mine. I ended up going through picasa.com to change it to a black and white photo but emphasizing the focus of colors of the rainbow. This is one of my favorite pictures of Maleha. It shows her pure beauty and innocence. I love her so much! She is the gold at the end of my rainbow.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Posted by Margaret at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Pouty face
Kasiah has started making this pouty face when she is sad. It is thee most cutest thing ever! I can't help myself to laugh and give her hugs and kisses. She has been trying out her new legs since the beginning of this month of November and is walking pretty steady now. But it's more like stomping. It is so funny to watch her stomp around the house with her chubby new legs. She loves testing them out but she does not like the falls that come along with it. Kasiah will usually show me this pouty face when she gets hurt but more so when she is tired and wants me to pick her up and snuggle. Talk about irresistible!
Posted by Margaret at 9:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thankful for FAMILY!
This is the most recent family photo that I could find. I know it is preeety wacky cheezy but we wouldn't have a family if it wasn't for these preeety little girls and my cheesy husband and my wacky self. Having Thanksgiving be tomorrow I have to say that my little family is all I need to keep my heart beating..I am so grateful for them and all they are and do.My family is what I live for and who I would die for. Thank goodness families can be together forever! I am also very grateful for the gospel in my life. It is my source of truth, strength and light. The third thing that I am grateful for is my freedom of choice! Wow! 3 things that I would die for and that I can't live without! Family,Gospel, Freedom! Everything else is just added wonderful blessings! Gotta be Thankful!
Posted by Margaret at 9:46 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Service scores!
Here is the beautiful bench that I scored from volunteering to serve a sister in the ward (Laurel Macquarrie). I just didn't realize when she meant cleaning out her house she was meaning all of her stuff too . I showed up with a broom and rags and everyone that was there was claiming what they could grab. By the time all her 30 plants and other fun and cool furniture was claimed my good fortune finally kicked in and I happened to come across this unnoticed bench because it was luckily behind the front door! I asked the sister if this bench was available and she said "Oh yeah,please take it."I was so grateful and excited that I felt I was bringing home a trophy from a victory of beating the odds of all who were there to help clean out her home. It's a game of claim or be lame.just kidding.haha I really enjoy collecting second hand-me-downs and prefer them to new stuff. Because it's either cheap or free 99!!haha My home is literally decorated of the scores from others homes and this is my catch for the week. It is always wonderful to be in the Service of the Lord because he is always in the service of you. Service scores!!
P.s Thankyou to my Husband for coming with me this day and being the only man there. What a great sport! Also Thanks to Rosie McDaniel for watching our girls.It was so weird to not have them with us but it was great for Dustin and I to have that time to serve.
Posted by Margaret at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Blueberry Bathing Ballards
You can't have blueberries without bathing. Thats what I 've been having the girls eat every morning for breakfast this month is fresh frozen blueberries just to give them a bath afterwards.
A great reason to wake up and take a bath. Get messy with blueberries! Love it!
Posted by Margaret at 11:56 AM 1 comments
Tinker bells

I had them wear these dresses to church because I thought it was
appropriate since Halloween was that following Wednesday.
I Love Halloween and use is to my advantage for dressing the girls up everywhere we go for the whole month of October. Even to go to the store. Too much fun!haha
Posted by Margaret at 10:21 AM 0 comments
I am getting so excited about being able to record my life through blogging.I was trying the myspace thing but it did not serve the purpose that I was hoping for and so it quickly became old for me. I know through this I will be so much more better in communicating my feelings and creativity by blogging down the current events going on with my little family. That way all our extended family will feel that they are somehow close and connected to us while we are living the military life. Isn't that what life is all about? Just being connected! Connected to who you are, connected to God through the spirit, connected to family! You gotta love life and share it!!
Posted by Margaret at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Computer savvy
I am not computer savvy at all and so to get this whole blogg thing going has been a challenge. But thats what progressing is all about! right? Really, The most I know about working with computers is how to search, shop, and check out$ (my e-mails) and every thing else really happens to get done by pure luck.haha
My luck just happens to be that now a days they are making things on the computer be as simple as 123 but when you got 2 little girls running around it has taken me more than a few days to get this all posted.(Hence- the reason of why I never started this before). For instance, the picture of my two messy blueberries took me all of 4 hours to figure out how to downsize and post it!.
Any better tips let me know.
Sorry to all you pro bloggers but once I get to your level y'all better Watch out cause here I come! hahaha
Posted by Margaret at 8:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
I have been putting this off for too long. Precious time seems to be flying by and I want to write in my journal but I feel this will be the best way to capture the priceless memories that I create each day with my children so that they can one day look back and treasure them as I have.
I have been feeling such a strong urge to get out of my comfort zone and to press forward with some kind of progression and what a better way to see my progress than to blog it. So Here I am! Finally!
Posted by Margaret at 7:58 AM 0 comments