Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Gordon B. Hinckley

The prophet Gordon B. Hinckley 1910- 2008

Prophetic Passing

I imagine he's running to Marjorie now,

Yes, running, not waving his cane.

I see him embracing his father and mother

While they keep repeating his name.

I see him now meeting his forebears,

Brother Brigham and Joseph are there.

Sweet reunion of prophets, united by service

That only such noble men share.

I see him embraced by the Savior

While Father says, "Good and well done.

So faithful in stalwart endurance, I welcome

My noble, most excellent son."

I then hear the ripples of laughter

As he says the reception's just fine,

But he hopes that he'll get an assignment or two

Since there's no need to waste any time.

I can hear his clear voice in the stillness

At the close of this sweet Sabbath day,

Have faith and move forward — there's work to be done.

President Hinckley would want it that way.

Anna M. Molgard

Gordon and Marjorie sharing a few good laughs together

Together Forever!
What a great smile!

Gordon B. Hinckley passed away January 27th 2008 on a Sunday at 7pm in his home with his family who were gathered close around him. This man was no ordinary man he was a true prophet of God who lead by remarkable strength and revealing revelation.

Dustin received an e-mail yesterday from our bishop announcing the death of the prophet and once I received the news, a feeling of peace and joy came over me. It was all so bitter sweet because All I could envision was him and his wife embracing with excitement and eagerness to be re-united together again for time and all eternity. What a a beautiful moment that must have been. I unfortunately was unable to be in the presence of such a great prophet but just to have been living in the same time he was alive and leading gives me such great honor. He will be greatly missed by many people in the world..

Sick & Tired

"Oh the Pain and frustration"

Last week Maleha was not feeling well and was running a high fever and dehydrated but now she is feeling so much better and is back to her fun-spunky self. But of course sickness has it's way of passing it self along to our dear sweet Kasiah who is teething and tired of having a high fever with a facet runny nose which she doesn't know how to blow except for those snotty, slimy ones that would make anyone scream out "GROSS!" She has been very clingy as well as crying all the time. Her world must feel like this picture just full of pain, hot flashing headaches and tremendous frustration. She is just so miserable...My poor baby Kasiah!

p.s Last week when I found out Maleha was sick we happened to be at the lunch bunch with the ladies from church and she told me her tummy hurt and started to gag and so I quickly picked her up and started to rush her to the restroom which probably did not help because when a little boy ran right in front of us she threw up and it just protruded all over this little boys face. It was horrible!

Daddy's love

Kasiah this week

Maleha last week

During this sad time of sickness the girls seem to have drawn closer to their Daddy. It has also given Dustin the opportunity to show his compassionate side to them. He was able to give them both blessings which is a side of their daddy that is most important for them to see. Dustin is such a wonderful father! I love this man!

p.s I had to capture these precious moments.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Birthday Party

Happy 28th Birthday Valerie! At first, I was kind of hesitant to go to this slumber party just because it has been more than 10 years since I have gone to one but all the more to go right? So, I am happy to say that I did! Before I went though, I cleaned the whole house spotless from top to bottom and put the girls to bed early so that once Dustin came home I was off to party like a Rock star! I didn't realize how much I needed to just hang out with the girls and just play games and laugh. It was awesome to get to know all these ladies away from their callings and church. What a bunch of Crazy , Sexy, Cool ladies we got in this ward. I felt like I was sixteen again! I am definitely going to have to celebrate my 30th birthday with these woman. I had such a blast!!


Danielle Boyett and Stacey pratt (pink shirt) are in the battle to win! The rules are: You are to ask the person on the right of you any type of question and that person is not to answer or laugh but to pass quickly along the next question that they want to ask to the next person until someone cracks up and busts. We started out with 20 ladies and now it is down to the final two. It does not last long but it's hilarious! What a fun game! Go Danielle!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


My dear daughters may have looked silly wearing these pilgrim dresses to church today but when you find treasure hand-me-downs like these for free, anything can be brought back to style. :) We had a wonderful Sunday!


OUCH! My poor baby Kasiah has been teething like crazy! Her back molars are trying to cut through the gums and the only thing that will give her relief is her drooling everywhere while sucking on her BINKY! Oh! and her Mommy's snuggles. I love you Kasiah!

Travel map

Friday, January 18, 2008


Dustin is the finest enlisted staph Sergeant (E-5) in the Airforce and has won many awards for his outstanding service and accomplishments. He is currently a nominee for NCO (leadership) of the year. I hope he wins!

Maleha is the most qualified Staph Sergeant's daughter in the Airforce and is our Airplane detector. She loves to fly herself high in the sky anytime she hears those jet engines roaring nearby. She found her Daddy's hat and boots and started playing dress up and I caught her in action on video!

Even though Kasiah wants to always do what her sister's doing Kasiah is really the Leader of the pack. She knows how to give orders and does not take "NO" for an answer. She can make anyone bend to their knees and her Daddy's heart melt. But when duty calls she has got some big shoes to fill and as far as the picture shows theres no doubt she fills them well.

As for me, Dustin calls me the ODC (Off Duty Commander). I take my job very seriously and so what I say goes. My job is by far the best job in the world! hahaha!


Last summer when we would go on our daily walks as a family
Maleha kept pointing to the sky when she would see a trail of
smoke behind the airplanes and shout "Look, a SHIP!" And I
would always say " Yeah cool, A space ship!"

But Dustin one day said " No, It's an airplane.

I responded and said "Dustin, just let her use her imagination
and let her think it's a space ship.

He quickly replied:

" No, she needs to know what a real airplane is."

(Dustin does not usually get involved in such silly matters but
I could see the sudden importance with him being in the
Airforce .)

But still, Maleha kept shouting "Look, a ship!" and I kept telling
her "Cool, a space ship!" but Dustin would just keep correcting
me and would tell her it was an airplane until ONE day Maleha

"Look! A ship!"

I said "Yeah, cool a space ship" and she said

" No mom, it's an airplane."

I giggled and said
"Your right, it's an airplane."

and she said "No mom, It's a ship!."

Dustin and I were laughing hysterically.
We learned an important lesson that day, that as parents
our kids are really listening when we think they are not.

So now,Maleha makes this our inside family joke and
when ever she sees an airplane go by she just laughs and
says " I funny, huh?" .She's our jokester.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Thanks Candace! We received your package and we absolutely loved it! All the gifts were so very thoughtful of you. Here is one that we are very proud of. Maleha snuggles it with pride!
Congratulations on baby Cate!

Cousin Cate

January 13, 2008 12:23 pm 6 pounds 10 ounces

Welcome Cate Elizabeth Ballard! We are so excited you are finally here and have chosen to join our family. We have been waiting for this special day because we have a club to create called the "Ballard Babes". We hope to meet and play with you one day and keep you up to date on all our cool secrets.They are so funny! We love you! Girl Cousin Power!

Maleha and Kasiah

Same Age

Maleha 2 years ago chewing toes
Kasiah chewing toes today
Maleha 2 years ago
Kasiah Today

Maleha and Kasiah at 15 months old. They both are so much alike but so different at the same time and age. I love watching Kasiah grow into her own self and Maleha always setting the example. So, if Maleha tries to chew on her toes so will Kasiah, but 2 years later .HaHa! I cut Maleha's bangs but Dustin will not let me go near Kasiah's.

P.S They have the exact shaped button nose! I love it!


My father's surgery has been postponed to Monday, Jan. 21, 2008. His hemoglobin / blood wasn't producing enough potassium so he will be in the hospital until they can get it back to the 4 count they need. It's 7 count.Until then, We love you and miss you! You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Shake it!

Kasiah is our little salt shaker. She loves to move and groove.
Here she is shaken it like it's hot. She is so much fun at this age!
But really she was just happy because she was about to get her
grubb on! haha!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Fasting for Father

Dustin and I had our tithing settlement with the Bishop to report that we are full tithe payers for 2007 but Bishop was concerned more about our fast offerings and challenged us to give generously for there is more blessings to receive that the Lord is willing to give us.

I have always been more than willing to pay fast offerings but Dustin mentioned to me that he feels in order to pay an honest fast that we have to fast from food first. I always would just pay our fast offerings without fasting but now I understood why Dustin had not been paying because we were not fasting!

Well, It has been too long to mention when the last time it was that I have fully fasted but the opportunity had arose for Dustin and I to finally do what our Bishop had challenged us to do. There is a very delicate triple Bypass surgery that my dear Father will be having to undergo less than a week from now.(Jan 14th Monday)
I have never felt such a stronger reason to fast and lean upon the Lord for strength and comfort until now.

As I started my fast it seemed all I could think about was food. I quickly started to train my thoughts towards my Father and seeked for spiritual food. I read the Scriptures and felt less hunger pains. I also felt a strong desire to open and read the most recent January Ensign and I came across What I felt was an answer to my fast and prayers on page 18, about Joseph Smith under the word Family. It reads:

The counsel and wisdom regarding the importance and eternal nature of the family .....written in Joseph's personal journal about his ill father: " Waited on my father again, who was very sick. In secret prayer in the morning, the Lord said, 'My servant, thy father shall live.' "......

When I read these words it struck me with such an overwhelming power of peace. As though the Lord was speaking directly to me himself saying "Margaret, thy father shall live."!!

I felt such at ease with still having the rest of the day to fast but this spiritual experience helped me to finish my fast triumphantly. I know my father will live to see longer days. Our thoughts and prayers are with you Dad, we love you!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Park University

Dustin has been taking classes as on-line at Park University for 2 years and has just recieved his associates degree from the Airforce and will be graduating with his Bachelors in Criminal Justice in the year 2010 from Park University. He was just put on the Dean's list for this last fall Semester. His accomplishments are mine as well and I am so proud of his hard work and dedication in his efforts towards school. This was the whole reason we joined the Airforce was for Dustin to pursue education and so we work as a team to reach these goals! I am just so pleased when he gets acknowledged for his accomplishments. He deserves it!

Fall Semester 2007 Malstrom AFB Dustin C Ballard

Congratulations for being named to the Dean's Honor List for Fall 2007. This is a prestigious honor and you should be proud of your accomplishments.Park University would like to help recognize you by providing the attached letter that you can submit to the editor of your local newspaper(s).Additionally, Park has posted your name on the University web site. To view your name, simply visit www.park.edu/deanslist/ and scroll down to your Campus Center. Be sure to select the most current semester and year (Fall 2007).

Dean's List:Twelve or more graded hours at Park University are completed, either in one sixteen week term or in two accelerated terms (Fall I/Fall II or Spring I/Spring II).

1. Must be degree seeking at Park University.
2. Student earned a semester grade point average of 3.600 or better.
3. Student received no incomplete grades for the semester or terms.
4. The Fall Dean’s List is based on the Fall semester or Fall I, and Fall II terms.

• Baca, Krystina • Griffin, Joseph H. • Morales, Danielle Brooke
• Baird, Judith A. • Guilbeau, Shaelyn D. • Myers, Beverly A.
• Ballard, Dustin C • Hale, Jennifer K. • Navarro, Anastacio Michael• Barragan, Alfredo J. • Hebert, Marcus R. • Nikolaus, Angela C.• Beecher, Stephen C. • Hendershot, Keith J. • Nordick, Alyshia C.• Blackman, Elliot R. • Hewett, Micah • Rees, Jeffrey S.• Broadribb, Scott D. • Hoggan, Katie J. • Roaten, Amber J.• Brownfield, Michael T. • Igou, Casandra L. • Salas, Eishel• Cardelli, Paul B. • Johnson, Ladonna • Sidor, Diane Patrice• Cobeaga, Anthony P • Knox, Tricia May • Stephens, Tyhessia V.• Corbeil, Susan L. • Lawson, Scot V. • Thomas, Kevin L• Ezop, Deborah • Lucas, Cheryl L. • Thomas, Shea D.• Galvez, Rebecca L. • Lundberg, Cynthia A • Tribby, Melinda D.• Garcia, Amber K. • Margini, Frank R. • Uhl, Brandon J.• Gemmer, Stephanie J. • Mason, Samuel R. • VanHise, Julie A.• Giordano, Emma K.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Veil of time

As the New 2008 year approached I felt as though it was like entering into a new veil of time. I then thought of our premortal existence and the veil of forgetfulness that we have to enter & pass through in order to gain a physical body so that we can come down to earth to progress and of course one thought lead to the next where I could not help to think of my 2 little girls and how recently they have passed through the veil and how close they are in remembering our premortal existence.

As their mother I feel such a strong responsibility to teach them the plan of salvation so that they may never forget where they came from and will always remember where they need to return which is back in the loving arms of our glorious Heavenly father.

As far as these pictures go of Maleha and Kasiah, they were both playing with the white lace curtains that we have and it made me see a vision of them passing through the veil and how they entered through it.

Well, with Maleha being first, she passed through on October 16th 2004 , where she entered with such boldness and readiness to be part of the plan.

Kasiah, desiring to have entered first, sacrificed and was willing to wait until October 10th 2006 where she passed through with humility and patience. These pictures were able to depict just that!