Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Real deployment!

Okay, So we went to the States and had an Awesome time with family and friends . Dustin and I decided the closer to them the better. We really want the girls to grow up near family who love them. So any State closer to them would be fantastic but ideally Hill Airforce base in Utah. (I hope)

We have 2 1/2 more years here in Germany and will do our best to enjoy every minute of it by traveling and learning more about the people and the culture and the great ward that we are in.

So listen to this! We have 5 hours until we have to get on the plane heading back to Germany when Dustin called his shoppe at work to find out that he is getting deployed after all. I got very teary eyed thinking that I had only 5 hours to say good bye to the man I love! But much to our surprise he is actually going on a different deployment than all the other troops in his shoppe.
This deployment he will be going to Baghdad instead and he leaves in November instead of next month. So I was relieved for the fact that I was able to have a little more time with him. He will be leaving for 7 months. So Back to the States , Here I come.

My sister can hook me up through Delta to help fly me back to the good ol' USA. Time there with family support will help time go by extremely fast for those 7 months. I will miss my Dusty very much!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Dustin was suppose to be deploying in August to Kurgystan for 6 months but last Friday they told him that he has been taken off the list because they had too many guys going and needed to bump someone off. They chose Dustin to stay. There is still a chance that he may still have to go between now and December.

Until then, Tomorrow we are off to America! We are looking forward to being with family and enjoying the conveniences and familiarity in the States. Can't WAIT! God bless the USA!