Friday, January 18, 2008


Dustin is the finest enlisted staph Sergeant (E-5) in the Airforce and has won many awards for his outstanding service and accomplishments. He is currently a nominee for NCO (leadership) of the year. I hope he wins!

Maleha is the most qualified Staph Sergeant's daughter in the Airforce and is our Airplane detector. She loves to fly herself high in the sky anytime she hears those jet engines roaring nearby. She found her Daddy's hat and boots and started playing dress up and I caught her in action on video!

Even though Kasiah wants to always do what her sister's doing Kasiah is really the Leader of the pack. She knows how to give orders and does not take "NO" for an answer. She can make anyone bend to their knees and her Daddy's heart melt. But when duty calls she has got some big shoes to fill and as far as the picture shows theres no doubt she fills them well.

As for me, Dustin calls me the ODC (Off Duty Commander). I take my job very seriously and so what I say goes. My job is by far the best job in the world! hahaha!


Last summer when we would go on our daily walks as a family
Maleha kept pointing to the sky when she would see a trail of
smoke behind the airplanes and shout "Look, a SHIP!" And I
would always say " Yeah cool, A space ship!"

But Dustin one day said " No, It's an airplane.

I responded and said "Dustin, just let her use her imagination
and let her think it's a space ship.

He quickly replied:

" No, she needs to know what a real airplane is."

(Dustin does not usually get involved in such silly matters but
I could see the sudden importance with him being in the
Airforce .)

But still, Maleha kept shouting "Look, a ship!" and I kept telling
her "Cool, a space ship!" but Dustin would just keep correcting
me and would tell her it was an airplane until ONE day Maleha

"Look! A ship!"

I said "Yeah, cool a space ship" and she said

" No mom, it's an airplane."

I giggled and said
"Your right, it's an airplane."

and she said "No mom, It's a ship!."

Dustin and I were laughing hysterically.
We learned an important lesson that day, that as parents
our kids are really listening when we think they are not.

So now,Maleha makes this our inside family joke and
when ever she sees an airplane go by she just laughs and
says " I funny, huh?" .She's our jokester.