Friday, September 12, 2008


I have always been intrigued with antiques and the story behind the history of such fine pieces of craftmanship. I love interior designing and it's still a dream of mine to go to school for such fun art. Having been here in Germany has really opened my eyes to collecting antiques as an expensive but quality hobby.My goal is to slowly start my collection here and decorate my home of such interesting and fascinating history and arts.


Massey Family said...

That piece of furniture is beautiful, I also love antiques. Do you get the show from HGTV "If Walls Could Talk" ? It's about OLD homes and the story behind the homes. It's one of my favorite shows.

helgaruth said...

Have you started your collecting yet? I think that it's good to start out with some smaller pieces. I actually own a beautiful double bed that was from a German girls school. It's currently at my inlaws in being used by my niece but I look foward to the time when I can bring it home.
I'd recommend checking out some books and doing some research on antique collecting in general so that you know what things to look for when you're finally ready to start buying.

Mysticnocturne said...

That's a really neat goal! It's a beautiful piece. =)