Saturday, September 20, 2008


Since being here in Germany we have had only one channel on our TV that covered the shows that I really cared to watch anyways which was Oprah, Wheel of fortune and survivor. Of course there were many other shows I would have loved to have watched but these were the only ones that AFN offered us on this one channel. So, I just watched what was given.

Since moving into our new bright highlighter home we get no reception and so we have had no TV since April. Even when Dustin and I were first stationed in Montana we decided to not have TV. It's a different lifestyle and you definitely come to find out how much time you really do have! I actually don't remember what it was like to have TV until Dustin paid someone to find a signal the other day on an extra satellite dish that our Landlord had. We NOW have 5 channels that come through. Dustin was ecstatic because the movie and sports channel came through! I on the other hand was not thrilled about the whole deal and liked how things were before because I am finding that TV is really just a BIG distraction in my life. I have found that I CAN live without Oprah, Wheel of fortune and survivor and so forth. I feel it's good to take a break from things that can consume your everyday life like TV.


Mysticnocturne said...

I agree =) We don't have tv only netflix, which we have found is a nice compromise.